Are you missing customers in your cafeteria? Perhaps the problem lies in the variety of products you are offering them. So what to sell in a snack bar? For an establishment to succeed in such a competitive business, it is important to have an attractive menu, with several options of sweets and snacks, which are able to meet the various tastes.

In times of unstable economy, improving sales becomes something even more important. Therefore, it is good to look for solutions to bring back the movement.

The challenges of modern snack bars

We find snack bars everywhere and for all tastes. This points to a saturation of the market and shows itself as a great challenge for new entrepreneurs. In this scenery, it is necessary to find ways to detach from concurrence, attracting the public to your establishment.

One of the main ways to create a differential is to invest on an original menu, which offers options that the client will not find in other points of the city. This does not mean, however, giving up the classics. On the contrary, they are the basis that will sustain your business.

Although each establishment has its own particularities, studying successful examples is a great source for ideas and for replicating examples of good practices that have led these snack bars to do well in the market.

The secrets of successful snack bars

When studying about success cases of other snack bars, it is possible to realize that some elements are essential for those who want to get along well in the market. Below, we list the main ones:

  • Create a differential

As we mentioned above, to have a differential is fundamental to stand out and attract consumers’ attention. But how to do this? A food establishment can become a reference in different ways.

Many houses are known for their good service, a factor that contributes for the client to have a good experience and, as a consequence, to have the will to return to the place, besides increasing the chances of recommending it to friends and relatives.

The opposite is also true: nobody wants to go back to the snack bar where they were mistreated. Therefore, how about investing in training and qualification of the team, shaping a first quality service?

  • Invest in the ambiance

It is not only the service that contributes to the client having a good experience. The environment is also a fundamental factor for diners to feel at ease in the cafeteria.

Thinking about it, invest in creating a welcoming atmosphere and, above all, that has to do with your clientele. After all, the proposal of an environment that usually attends older people is completely different from the one that receives young people after the ballad, for example.

  • Establish a quality standard

One of the fundamental factors for the reputation and identity of an establishment is its quality standard. The great secret of the great food chains is precisely this: when we go to McDonald’s, Pizza Hut or Habib’s, we know exactly what we will find and how we will receive our order.

But after all, what to sell in a snack bar (to stand out from the competition)?

Check out some infallible snack options to sell in snack bars:

  • Hamburgers and Hot-Dogs

Classic snack bar orders, these two sandwiches are made quickly and do not require great preparation skills. Both orders can accompany portions of frites to create a nice combo for lunchtime or after the ballad.

  • Hot snacks

With a plate in place, several sandwiches can be created for your customers. It is possible to use several types of meats and cheeses to set up a very varied snack menu. The house can still follow the customization trend and open space for the customer to assemble his own sandwich.

  • Natural snacks

This type of sandwich sells very well for people who are looking for a healthy diet. If your point is near parks or places where people gather to do physical activities, natural snacks cannot be left out! Because it is a diversified food, the natural snack allows several combinations, which usually take healthier ingredients such as vegetables, leaves, wholemeal loaves and white cheeses.

  • Sandwiches in baguettes

The baguettes can also vary a lot in stuffing; therefore, put the creativity to work when looking for the recipes. They can be offered as an alternative to traditional breads (hamburger, hot-dog or shaped) or to impact customers visually, since their size draws attention.

  • Salty

The kings of the counter are the salty ones. Because they are strategically positioned in front of the snack bar, the salty ones need to be attractive and, of course, tasty. The snack bar can offer fried and baked variations, besides vegetarian and vegan options. In this sense, the salty snacks are a great entry point to diversify and create different options.

  • Drinks

Go beyond canned goods. Offer pulp juices and also options of natural juices and vitamins made on the spot. If the house chooses to offer alcoholic beverages, it is worth investing in some beer labels of various sizes and also classic and easy to make beers and drinks, such as caipirinha and cuba libre.

  • Sweets

If the snack bar has no tradition in candy sales, the ideal is to invest in some industrialized products – such as chocolates, chocolates and candies – which can be placed in displays near the boxes. This is a great strategy to ensure the sale of a quick dessert to customers.

If your establishment has a space for the exhibition and sale of more elaborate sweets, the recipe is to put some cakes, pies, puddings and other delicacies. The choice will depend on the public and the proposal of the house.

Extra: 3 different ideas for you to sell in a snack bar

Snack ideas are not lacking, and there are several forms of combinations that can create an important differential for the establishment. To help you in this choice, we have separated some more tips of ideas than serving in a snack bar.

Gourmet hamburgers

Even if the house works with classic and fast snacks, such as X-burger and X-salad, you can add gourmet options to the menu. Handmade options, with nobler meats and differentiated breads, can be a good way to diversify the menu and meet the most demanding tastes.

Artisan Beers

The market for craft and special beers is expanding rapidly in the country. With this in mind, consider offering options that go beyond popular and more consumed beers. Offer premium alternatives and also different styles, for example, combine with stronger meats and cheeses.


Many snack bars are known for their portions. Whether it’s because of its size or because it offers unconventional options, investing in portions to accompany the snacks can be a great alternative to attract new customers.

By investing in a broader menu, the cafeteria tends to gain more customers, but for this to happen, it is essential that administrators obtain quality products and committed suppliers.

Another tip that deserves your attention: don’t neglect the equipment you use in the snack bar. Always look for the best for your establishment.